Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I think that eating every 2.5 to 3 hours is a mindset that every serious body builder must consider. Even though I don't plan on competing or anything. I just do it for myself and maybe self gratification. hahahEating the same thing almost 7 times a day can be monotonous. But, if you really wanted to do it. You're going to do it! No matter what it takes. On the other hand, I feel like my muscles are filled out. Its probably just in my head but oh well. I will post the stuff I have been eating the last 3 days. I couldn't resist the temptation of avocado with milk. Its a weakness. ahhahaha

Friday, January 21, 2011

Chicken Legs

You know what I'm talking about... You know the ridiculously huge upper body but with chicken legs.. I can't stress the importance of working out your legs... One hour a week is better than nothing. If you workout 5 days a week: Chest, Back, Arms, Shoulder, and Legs. You're basically using the same groups of muscles 4 out of the 5 days. Its no wonder why some guys have ridiculously well built upper body but under developed legs. My suggestions are to break the parts into different days (Hams, Calf, and Quads) or do all of them in a separate day. Different magazines and websites have varying opinions on how to approach leg workouts. Just DO THEM!!!!.... YOU CANNOT FORGET YOUR LEGS!!!.. Its your foundation to strength and overall physique...!!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

First Post

What can I say? Maybe I should have started this blog when I started working out. Each of us have a personal reason why we started lifting weights/bodybuilding. Maybe it is confidence booster or to simply get away from reality for a couple of hours. In the beginning, working out seemed too painful and progress was almost invisible. You need to be able to find the "spark"/motivation to start working out consistently. I must say that's the hard part. hahaha